Three Hurdles to Benefits Data (And How to Overcome Them)

It’s not always easy to go from thousands of rows in a spreadsheet to a plan of action. This webinar will help benefits leaders and advisors understand:

  • How to take control of their benefits data
  • Common hurdles and how to overcome them
  • How to justify your need for a benefits data solution
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Three Hurdles to Benefits Data (And How to Overcome Them)

It’s not always easy to go from thousands of rows in a spreadsheet to a plan of action. This webinar will help benefits leaders and advisors understand:

  • How to take control of their benefits data
  • Common hurdles and how to overcome them
  • How to justify your need for a benefits data solution

About the Presenters

Scott Guichard

Scott Guichard

Director of Solutions Engineering

Artemis Health

Scott has spent the last 25 years in the healthcare industry, with about 15 years directly supporting self-insured employers using data analytics platforms like Artemis. He’s lived and worked internationally in a number of countries and experienced their unique healthcare systems firsthand. Currently based in Atlanta, Scott is now focused on helping enterprise employers optimize their benefits using data.

Innovators choose Artemis.