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May 6, 2024

Artemis Awards Recognize Titans in Healthcare Benefits Stewardship

Sanjay Motwani
Artemis by Nomi Health

Transforming healthcare doesn’t happen overnight, and often it can feel insurmountable. But small steps create big ripples, and I believe that when we stop and reflect on incremental progress, it is astounding to see how far we’ve come in a short amount of time. In that spirit, I am thrilled to announce the recipients of our inaugural Artemis Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Stewardship! These awards honor the outstanding achievements of our clients who have leveraged their data to make great progress, as evidenced by healthcare data incurred in 2023 compared to the year prior, in a few categories:

“Savviest Spenders”

Recognizes clients who have made strides in cost containment, with significant reduction in medical and Rx spend year over year, demonstrating responsible fiscal stewardship and attention to financial sustainability. The winners in this category are:

  1. The Home Depot
  1. Fresno Unified School District

“Care Gap Crusaders”

Awards clients for their effectiveness in minimizing gaps in care, particularly through initiatives that encourage members to take preventive care measures. Their dedication to improved patient outcomes sets the bar for leadership. Winners in this category are:

  1. Fidelity
  1. Travelers

“Wellness Warriors”

Celebrates clients for their success in driving member engagement and commitment to supporting programs and initiatives that promote employee wellness. These results underscore their focus on employee wellness and a holistic benefits strategy. Winners in this category are:

  1. Boeing
  1. Danaher

“Data Dynamo”

Applauds outstanding performance in all three of the aforementioned categories. The winner in this category is:

Advocate Health

“Kaizen Co-Pilots"

Commends clients who truly embody the principles of kaizen, constantly aiming for improvement. This award recognizes clients who have been exceptional partners to Artemis in pushing the boundaries of innovation in healthcare data. Winners in this category are:

  1. Priority Health
  1. H-E-B  

Congratulations to all award recipients!

Your achievements inspire us and reaffirm our shared commitment to 'moving the needle’ in healthcare. To learn more about the Client Awards process, or to nominate next year’s winners, reach out at

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